Knight Armor for VRChat
- ダウンロード商品¥ 2,400
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Description This is a suit of armor designed to cover the or replace the body of an existing avatar. Weapons and shields are sold separately. Physbones and Rotation Constraints are used for smooth and natural physics. All colors on can be easily changed by altering Main Color, Decals, and Matcap in the material. No need for texture editing. Content VRC Upload Size: 1.52mb Polygons Δ: 37,170 Bones: 97 Uses Physbones from VRC SDK and Poiyomi Toon Shader ( TOS It may freely be modified for personal use. It may be used in personal and commercial material, as long as none of the assets files are shared. Please credit me and link to my Booth ( if used commercially. It cannot be sold or redistributed. This includes all assets and even after modification. It cannot be used by anyone other than the purchaser. (For example, uploading to Public Avatar, uploading to pedestal in an Avatar World, distributing to non-purchasers, etc.) You must know the basics of Unity to use this product. I am not responsible for the content people choose to apply to this product.
Description (In progress) Content コンテンツ VRC Upload Size: 1.52mb VRCアップロードサイズ:1.52mb Polygons Δ: 37,170 △37,170程度 Bones: 97 骨数:97 Uses Physbones from VRC SDK and Poiyomi Toon Shader VRC SDKのPhysbonesとPoiyomi Toonシェーダー使用 ( TOS 利用規約 It may freely be modified for personal use. 個人用で自由にカスタム化する事を許可します。 It may be used in personal and commercial material, as long as none of the assets files are shared. Please credit me and link to my Booth ( if used commercially. アセットファイルがシェア去れない限り、個人又は営利的に使用する事を許可します。営利的な利用の際は、作成者のクレジット標記と作成者のBoothページ(へのリンクを含めなければなりません。 It cannot be sold or redistributed. This includes all assets and even after modification. 再配布、再販売は一切許しません。全アセット、変更されたアセットも含まれます。 It cannot be used by anyone other than the purchaser. (For example, uploading to Public Avatar, uploading to pedestal in an Avatar World, distributing to non-purchasers, etc.) 購入者以外の方による使用は許しません。(例えば、パブリックなアバターでのアップロード、アバターワールドのペデスタルへのアップロード、購入していない方への配布等) You must know the basics of Unity to use this product. 利用上ではUnityの基本的な使い方の知識が必要です。 I am not responsible for the content people choose to apply to this product. 他の方が付けるコンテンツは私の責任は一切請け負いません。